"You know how empaths walk into a room full of people and get overwhelmed? Well we help them to use their sensibilities powerfully so they can make life work for them." - Jim Rajan

Your Journey Starts Here

"As you start to walk on the way, the way appears." - Rumi

My name is Jim Rajan and I’m a professional Seer and a Healer with clients all around the world. I come from a long…

Well firstly, I’m a Bansuri flute player and I compose music that my clients listen to while…

So How do I do what I do? Well, I’ve been tested to have as very high level of Extra Sensory Perception…

The Healing Ceremony

You, but better, happier,
more fulfilled and purposeful.

"Each human being is full of so much marvel, magic and mystery. Tap into it and life shines through you." - Jim Rajan

The Healing Ceremony

You, but better, happier,
more fulfilled and purposeful.

"Each human being is full of so much marvel, magic and mystery. Tap into it and life shines through you." - Jim Rajan

The Subtle Qualities School

Developing your sensitivity into your gift to the world.

The First School for High Sensitivity People

The first school of its kind in the world, dedicated to the advancement of people with High Sensitivity.

• Develop your sensitivity to be your most powerful asset
• Align yourself with effortless mastery
• Personalised accompaniment in a cyclic system of learning

The First School for High Sensitivity People

The first school of its kind in the world, dedicated to the advancement of people with High Sensitivity.

• Develop your sensitivity to be your most powerful asset
• Align yourself with effortless mastery
• Personalised accompaniment in a cyclic system of learning


Bernadette Noll · New York, USA

Healing Ceremony

“With genuine presence and authenticity, you have held a space for me filled with patience, connection, and support as I travel this journey of awareness and healing. Jim you have an amazing ability to translate the messages from my essence. You have been a compass guide on my road of discovery and awakening. Grateful for the work we are doing, your ability to meet me right where I am, and the genuine friendship that has developed along the way. Thank you for your generosity of spirit, your healing sessions and for sharing it all with the world.”

Heidi Heaven · San Francisco, USA

Healing Ceremony

Rick Tyler · New York State, USA

Healing Ceremony

Bernadette Noll · New York, USA

Healing Ceremony

Heidi Heaven · San Francisco, USA

Healing Ceremony

Rick Tyler · New York State, USA

Healing Ceremony

Literary Works

As each page turns a new day becomes.

The Book of Journeys

The Book of Journeys is a collection of poetry and writings by worldwide seer, healer and teacher, Jim Rajan. The book came about through Jim’s creative exploration and the need to help people connect to the mystical aspects of Jim’s teaching work.

Each journey takes you into a mythical world, or a place of reflection and contemplation. Jim’s work is based on helping you heal yourself, just as you have always had the capacity to do.

When you rewrite your own story, life gets built around you in a different, more fulfilling and exciting way. This book is a helpful part of that process, breaking limitation within you, and cutting away the mind.

These journeys are here for you to find more and more of yourself as the page numbers augment. If the greatest gift you can give this world is your presence, this book will help you find the centre of that and gently open you to new possibility.

Boost Your Life in 30 Days

You can change your life in 30 days! It’s not difficult, all it takes is consistency and gently breaking mental patterns, and this book will help you do that. In ‘Boost Your Life in 30 Days’ you’ll find 30 powerful affirmations, to help you achieve lasting change in your everyday life.

Affirmations have been scientifically proven to raise your self-esteem, increase levels of self-worth and enhance your self-image. They are a fundamental pillar to retraining your brain, re-educating your mind to be under your control.

Affirmations help you to experience your life in a new way. You will open yourself to new opportunities, new paths, and new mini-miracles. This book is a powerful resource to maintain your focus, keeping you centred and strong each day.

Musical Works

Sound for your vision.

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Made for you, made with love.

Jim Rajan

Who I Am?

My name is Jim Rajan and I’m a professional Seer and a Healer with clients all around the world. I come from a long tradition of nomadic people who started out in Persia, then moved through North India and East Africa, onto Europe and I now live in Spain.

I started my professional life working in film and TV but the call to return to my roots and study world healing methods including shamanism, reiki, Traditional Chinese medicine, and the daoist training, was too strong. I was born deeply sensitive, with very high sensibilities, As a child they thought I was autistic. I failed to thrive as a baby and they put it down to transmitted anxiety. Receiving anxiety from others. It was painful and confusing.

Now, through creating my own method as a seer, I still receive those transmissions today, but use them for deep healing work. It’s not all anxiety! It’s beautiful work and I’m deeply grateful to be able to help so many people in this way. This work breaks open people’s creativity. I work with many artists, healers, poets, musicians and people who always wanted to be one of those.

I’m a poet myself and I was always inspired by ancient writers… Rumi, Attar, Tien-Tai , Lao Tzu, and more modern teachers like Jiddu Krishnamurti. This quote for example by Rumi is where each new client finds themselves as our work progresses. It goes:

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

My work helps you walk your path with strength, wisdom and clarity.

What Do I Do?

So what exactly do I do?
Well firstly, I’m a Bansuri flute player and I compose music that my clients listen to while I’m doing a healing ceremony for them.

I’m a writer and poet and we use my written word in our visualisation workshops and courses.

My courses and content on InsightTImer are about putting clear new usable perspectives on ancient systems and traditions.

But the main work I do is the Healing Ceremony, a life enriching one-on-one method I’ve developed to help people like you find themselves again.

I listen to your base frequency, your purest essence, the original code you often can’t hear yourself, no matter where you are in the world, then we work together to help you to set it in stone in your daily life. We get you aligned with your true nature and the resistance life keeps putting in your way, naturally falls away.

A Healing Ceremony helps you unblock your creativity, and rediscover yourself, fall in love with life once again, then live in the light and goodness of that, and see it expand and expand.

How Do I Do It?

So How do I do what I do?

Well, I’ve been tested to have as very high level of Extra Sensory Perception. I’m trained in deep listening and I’ve suffered hard in this world, and gained great insight from that.

I’ve learnt to use suffering to enlighten my life and the lives of those around me. I spent years and years looking for a teacher, someone to teach me all this, to teach me what I really wanted to learn, but I never found them, so I taught myself and made my own system. And, that’s the method we teach at the Subtle Qualities school. When someone heals you, its transient, when you heal yourself its forever, and that’s what is so empowering about this work. You heal yourself. We look to other people to define us. Then spend our life redefining over and over. But in this work we refine. Building on your own foundation.

My motto is don’t think, feel. In this work you’ll find all the information you’ll ever need. In hearing yourself, you get to breathe again. This is not hocus pocus, it’s a science, this is where humanity is headed, and we are at the forefront of that, releasing people from their suffering one person at a time.