Healing Ceremony

"A Healing Ceremony is where I connect to your base frequency, your purest essence. I listen to your original code, help bring about realignment, and then relay back to you everything that came out." - Jim Rajan

Sensitive, intuitive and empathic individuals suffer greatly in what can be a very harsh world. We always have. We often feel inept, inadequate, wounded, and like we have to protect ourselves.

But being a person of high sensitivity is a gift, not a deficiency. To be a feeling being with such a strong natural depth of perception brings great dimension to life when you break the structured conditioning.

The problem is that no one helped you to engage, to succeed, to create freely, simply for the joy of creation. No one knew what to do with you, so you perceived yourself as damaged by the systems and codes of normal people.

But I know what to do with you. You need to be listened to, deeply, on a core level. You need to be listened to in a way you can’t hear yourself. Deeper than you are usually able to go on your own. I will help you see the natural order of things beneath life’s content and you place within it.

Lack of ego or self-esteem, the inability to engage or connect, these traits are actually secondary. They are a byproduct of not knowing yourself, not hearing yourself. They are a consequence of adhering to old patriarchal structures without know there’s a most wonderful alternative. It’s like putting a PC operating system in an Apple Mac. Of course it doesn’t work!

I work with people around the globe. North and South America, Canada, Australasia, the UK, and Europe. We don’t even need to be on the same side of the world to do a Healing Ceremony with you.

A Healing Ceremony is where I connect to your base frequency, your purest essence. I listen to your original code, help bring about realignment, initiating your own healing process. It all comes from you, I don’t pluck magical information from the air. This is deep listening. It’s enriching and empowering to hear what you have to say at that level. What the soul says, what the soul knows.

Together we use your original code to guide you. You’ll gain great insight into your own life and path, and build a better relationship with yourself. And, from there anything is possible. Everything is possible!

A Healing Ceremony helps you understand yourself and your place in this world. What you are here to do, what your true nature is, what contribution you can make.

When you foster internal power there is no need to protect yourself all the time. When you work on the power behind your words, your thoughts, and your actions… you express, you engage and you connect beautifully, gracefully and potently. You build, you grow, and you continue to build and grow into the sentient being you are here to be. With all the creativity, the good and the wisdom, and the value creation that goes with that.

You will never hide again. You will show your true nature with pride and spirit, and each day you will lead your life as the warrior/ess you came here to be.

"You will never hide again. You will show your true nature with pride and spirit, and each day you will lead your life as the warrior/ess you truly are." - Jim Rajan


Jim Rajan